Alessandro Maissen

Alessandro Maissen

Data Scientist

Before joining the SDSC as a Data Scientist in April 2023, Alessandro obtained his master’s degree in Computer Science with a focus on Machine Learning from ETH Zurich. In his master’s thesis, he worked on a joint project by the SDSC and the SLF Davos in which he automated the process of avalanche danger forecasting in the Swiss Alps using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques. In his free time, Alessandro loves alpine sports like ski-touring, climbing, and mountaineering.



In Progress
Enhanced understanding of Alpine mass movements Gathered through machine LEarning
Energy, Climate & Environment


Domain-aware-AI Augmented Design of Bridge Structures
Energy, Climate & Environment


AI-augmented Architectural Design
Energy, Climate & Environment


Improving snow avalanche forecasting by data-driven automated predictions
Energy, Climate & Environment


Mentioned in

March 6, 2024

RAvaFcast | Automating regional avalanche danger prediction in Switzerland

RAvaFcast | Automating regional avalanche danger prediction in Switzerland

RAvaFcast is a data-driven model pipeline developed for automated regional avalanche danger forecasting in Switzerland. It combines a recently proposed classifier for avalanche danger prediction at weather stations with a spatial interpolation model and a novel aggregation strategy to estimate the danger levels in predefined wider warning regions, ultimately assembled as an avalanche bulletin.
October 25, 2023

Computerworld | AI predicts avalanche danger [In German]

Computerworld | AI predicts avalanche danger [In German]

The AI project "DEAPSnow" takes avalanche forecasting to a whole new level.

Case Studies

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