SDSC National Calls | Watch our webinar replays from June 10th

Swiss Data Science Center
June 10, 2024
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National Calls for Collaborative Projects
Open for Submissions

The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) is launching its first National Calls for collaborative projects set to begin in 2025. Advancing our mandate to serve as a National Research Infrastructure, we are expanding our scope to three calls for collaborative projects, announced on a national level:

·       The 2024 Call for Collaborative Data Science Research Projects

·       The 2024 Call for End-User Innovation Projects

·       The 2024 Call for Collaborative Open Research Data (ORD) Infrastructure Projects

View our Calls Information Page with Submission Portals.

FAQ for our National Calls

This "Frequently Asked Questions" Document was created based on the questions of the participants in our information session webinar. It gives you insights to important questions you may want to consider when filing a pre-proposal.

View the FAQ Document here.

Watch our webinar replays

On Monday, June 10, 2024, we held a Zoom webinar to explain to interested collaborators how the first National Calls of the SDSC work and which type of projects the SDSC engages in.

We invite you to watch the replays below to help you to get familiar with the National Calls’ conditions.

We look forward to receiving your pre-proposals by July 15th!

View the complete webinar presentation here.

Introduction to the SDSC in the context of a National Research Infrastructure

In this presentation Olivier Verscheure, Executive Director of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), explains the opening of the 1st National Calls of SDSC in the context of its mandate to serve as a National Research Infrastructure (NRI) as of 2025.

Introduction to the first National Calls by the SDSC 

Guillaume Obozinski, Deputy Executive Director & Chief Data Scientist at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), presents the three calls for collaborative projects. Learn more about the objectives and target audiences in this overview.

View Slides PDF

2024 Call for Collaborative Data Science Research Projects

Mathieu Salzmann, Deputy Chief Data Scientist, and Guillaume Obozinski, Chief Data Scientist and Deputy Director at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) explain the 2024 SDSC Call for Collaborative Research Data Science Projects.

View Research Call Slides PDF

2024 Call for End-User Innovation Projects

Silvia Quarteroni, Chief Transformation Officer and Head of Innovation at the Swiss Data Science Cetner (SDSC), elaborates on the conditions, eligibility and submission process for the 2024 Call for End-User Innovation Projects.

View Innovation Call Slides PDF

2024 Call for Collaborative Open Research Data (ORD) Infrastructure Projects

Oksana Riba Grognuz, Head of ORD Engagement & Services, and Rok Roskar, Chief System Scientist & Head of Engineering at the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), explain the 2024 Call for Collaborative Open Research Data (ORD) Infrastructure Projects.

View ORD Call Slides PDF

SDSC National Calls webinar Q&A

In the Q&A section of the SDSC 2024 National Calls we addressed most pressing questions regarding the calls contents, eligible participants and submission procedure. Listen in.

For further questions, please reach out to the specific call teams:

Research Call:

Innovation Call:

ORD  Call:

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