
This component uses Transforms (Move Down 100%) to hide and show modal (on Tablet) so that filters apply once the user hits the apply button (optimal UX). Using the display: hidden will prevent the apply button from working.

To show and hide the modal for editing purposes on Tablet:
  • Select the filters1_filters-wrapper inside the parent div filters1_layout div.
  • Hit the Hide button and it will show (yes this is counterintuitive).
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Hausladen, C. I.; Knott, M.; Camerer, C. F.; Perona, P."Social perception of faces in a vision-language model"View publication
Karger, D. N.; Saladin, B.; Wüest, R. O.; Graham, C. H.; Zurell, D.; Mo, L.; Zimmermann, N. E."Interannual climate variability improves niche estimates for ectothermic but not endothermic species"1312538View publication
Tagasovska, N.; Ozdemir, F.; Brando, A.; Ruiz, F.; Dy, J.; van de Meent, J."Retrospective Uncertainties for Deep Models using Vine Copulas"2067528–7539View publication
Iadarola, G.; De Maria, R.; Lopaciuk, S.; Abramov, A.; Buffat, X.; Demetriadou, D.; Deniau, L.; Hermes, P.; Kicsiny, P.; Kruyt, P.; Latina, A.; Mether, L.; Paraschou, K.; Sterbini, G.; Van Der Veken, F. F.; Belanger, P.; Niedermayer, P.; Di Croce, D.; Pieloni, T.; Van Riesen-Haupt, L.; Seidel, M."Xsuite: An Integrated Beam Physics Simulation Framework"View publication
Bertoli, G.; Schemm, S.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez Cruz, F.; Szekely, E."Building a physics-constrained, fast and stable machine learning-based radiation emulator"View publication
Park, C. F.; Barzegar-Keshteli, M.; Korchagina, K.; Delrocq, A.; Susoy, V.; Jones, C.; Samuel, A. D. T.; Rahi, S. J."Automated neuron tracking inside moving and deforming C. elegans using deep learning and targeted augmentation"View publication
Egger, P.; Jones, C."Co-Exportation of Products by Multi-Product Firms"View publication
Susmelj, A. K.; Lafci, B.; Ozdemir, F.; Davoudi, N.; Deán-Ben, X. L.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Razansky, D."Signal domain adaptation network for limited-view optoacoustic tomography"91103012View publication
Ayday, E.; Humbert, M."Inference Attacks against Kin Genomic Privacy"155.029-37View publication
Backes, M.; Humbert, M.; Pang, J.; Zhang, Y."walk2friends: Inferring Social Links from Mobility Profiles"1943-1957View publication
Hitaj, B.; Gasti, P.; Ateniese, G.; Perez-Cruz, F."PassGAN: A Deep Learning Approach for Password Guessing"View publication
Thanou, D.; Dong, X.; Kressner, D.; Frossard, P."Learning Heat Diffusion Graphs"33.0484-499View publication
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