Radhakrishna Achanta

Radhakrishna Achanta

Principal Data Scientist

Radhakrishna has a PhD in Computer Science from EPFL Switzerland, an MSc in Computer Science from NUS Singapore, and a BEng degree in Electrical Engineering from JEC India. During his 16 years of working experience, he has worked in the industry and academia, and has founded three start-ups. He has published over 20 refereed papers, which have received over 9000 citations. He is a co-inventor in 4 patents. He has served as a reviewer for several conferences and journals of repute and as area chair for ECCV 2016. His main interests are Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Machine Learning.



Towards Automated Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment
Energy, Climate & Environment


The Human Measurement Project
Biomedical Data Science
Digital Administration


Deep learning for TOMCAT imaging
Biomedical Data Science
Big Science Data


Mentioned in

September 23, 2022

What you see is what you classify: black box attributions

What you see is what you classify: black box attributions

The lack of transparency of black-box models is a fundamental problem in modern Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This work focuses on how to unbox deep learning models for image classification problems.
October 8, 2018

Heart tissue analysis in a heartbeat

Heart tissue analysis in a heartbeat

PSI, ETH Zurich, and the SDSC are jointly working on automatically analysing such three-dimensional images to ease the burden of the clinicians and pathologists in identifying healthy tissue from sick ones.

Case Studies

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