Jinny Chien
Jinny received her MSc in Computer Science from NCCU Taiwan. She joined SDSC as a Computer Scientist. Before joining SDSC, Jinny worked as a software engineer at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) to implement the Reference DataSet Distribution Service (RDSDS) project in Hinxton, Cambridge. RDSDS provides a centralised platform for dataset registration, management and distribution services. A core part of RDSDS involved setting up an authentication and authorisation infrastructure and support multiple transfer protocols within the European life-sciences Infrastructure for biological Information (ELIXIR). Before that, Jinny worked for almost two years with the IT department of CERN. As a software engineer, she was responsible for setting up a virtual machine marketplace (Virtual Machine Image Catalogue, VMIC) based on OpenStack for the sharing of security appliances. Through this service they assisted more than 20 Asia Pacific sites. Starting her professional career back in Taiwan, she was the first part of the mobile cyber security department at HTC and later joined the Grid/Cloud computing unit of the prime research organisation of Taiwan as a IT security staff. In her spare time, she likes reading Agatha Christie books and playing squash. She enjoys spending time outdoors.
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